Sunday, November 30, 2014


This month has been such a fun and relaxed month for me. So THANKFUL for the many Blessings in my life. For Family, Good Health, Friends, Cooking tons of food, Mellowing out more with the girls, the changing colors (Not that Texas gets much of it).....the list is long and I'm aware of how good it's been.

December is a whole new ballgame for my family. Besides the holidays, we have birthdays, anniversaries and  several school functions and work events. It's Bananas.

I'm sticking to my thoughts and feelings from my last post and I'm refusing to stress and panic about it all. I'm surprisingly ahead of the game this year (Famous last words for $1000!) but it's such a good feeling to not be overwhelmed or freaking out over gifts and the growing list of things to do!

I'm more just looking forward to more family time and more cooking a ton of food. Not having it stick to me or make me feel guilty is an added bonus.

Anything you are Thankful for as we say goodbye to November? Anything you are especially looking forward to in December?

Let me hear them!

-Britt The HLC

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