Sunday, August 17, 2014

Starting Anew.

   I've been sitting here for an hour now willing the keyboard to type something worth reading, lame right? I feel so out of place and out of focus on restarting this blog. Yet, if I'm honest (Which on here is always), I also spent a bit of time yesterday rereading it from the very beginning and felt very proud of it.

I took it for granted as an outlet and fun way of keeping myself accountable!

Re-reading all the milestones, the fails and victory's. Reading about the things I finally accepted about myself and to see the transition of me FINALLY letting go of needless insecurities and feeling like I could conquer any challenge, it's empowering and humbling to read my thoughts from then.

So I've decided to keep with the old themes. I like them, they fit. Not to mention I'm pretty sure they will keep me motivated as life enters a new routine and chapter in my household next week. You can read all about my ideas Here .

Also, be sure to check out my pages above. I've added a few including information about Young Living Essential Oils. They are a huge part of our home and I love them so much and believe in the products as well that I'm now a distributor. Ask me for my testimony anytime, I love sharing with people what they have done for me and my family!

Also, be sure to check out my HLC FB Page for updates, random thoughts and special things.

Okay, I'm officially rambling now. Some things never change sadly.....

In closing, THANK YOU for being here. For taking the time to read my blog means more than you know to this average joe-schmoe .

Enjoy your Sunday,
Britt The HLC

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